Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Blog 5: How I stay current

Technology and teaching strategies are constantly changing on a daily basis. Teachers need to stay on top of knowing and finding the best techniques and activities to use in the classroom. There are several ways that I personally use to stay current with this always changing aspect of teaching. I have several Personal Learning Networks that I use to connect with other people around the world that share the same goal as I have, to improve themselves as teachers in the classroom. I am able to connect with these other professionals through social media such as Twitter and Pinterest. With my Twitter PLN I am able to find new and creative ideas that others share on their accounts. I can then "re-tweet" their posts that I really like to put them on timeline. This shares the original post with all of my followers. Another option that I have is to "favorite" the post. This then appears in a folder that I can look back on to reference. I also use Pinterest. This platform allows me to find teachers that have blogs that share their posts. I can then "re-pin" their ideas onto different boards that care categorized by type of idea. I have been able to find many different classroom activities and classroom management strategies. There are also many different DIY activities and crafts that are found that can enhance the classroom setting for the child and teacher. Between these two different platforms for my PLN I am able to stay up to date and current on the many changes that are taking place in the world of education.